A commonly used strategy in the depressive phase of bipolar disorder is the use of light therapy or bright light therapy. In the manic phases, however, in many situations it is better not to have additional light administered, in this case, dark therapy using blue light blocking glasses can be an effective and drug-free supplement.
Our workshops and Somnoblue sleep glasses at Maasstad Ziekenhuis (Intensive Care) and at the Haga Hospital (Intensive Care CCU). The interventions focused on sleep hygiene, shift work nutrition and the blue filtering glasses for improved sleep, performance, and wellbeing.
In this project special glasses and energy lights are used that, when applied correctly, have a positive effect on the secretion of sleep hormones and workforce energy levels. This, in turn, will support effective off-shift recovery and adaptation to shift changes without the help of medication.
The Night Fit strategies are taught to the employees during two interactive workshops: ‘Work Hard, Sleep Hard’. Somnoblue glasses and portable energy lights are used which, when used and timed correctly, have a positive effect on the secretion of sleep hormones and energy levels.
KM Human Factors Engineering’s light treatment system is designed to improve the quality of sleep for offshore night-shift workers, Koos Meijer, a Human Factors Consultant with KM Human Factors Engineering, said at the 2016 IADC Human Factors Conference in Galveston, Texas.